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Interactive Video-Week 2

In this project work we have to choose a visual artist and his/her work for using it as a reference to do our own portrait using code with the programme Processing.

In my case I choose to use as a reference the artworks called "Where were you?" from the artist called Rune Fisker. The main work of this artist is animation, he runs his own animation company Benny Box along with his brother Esben. But when he is not working in animation he do other works, mostly focused in illustrations with a sort of Memphis (Memphis is the cultural phenomenon of the 80s that in a way changed the creative and commercial logics in design.) design where he use a wide variety of colours normally strong ones with hight contrast and also many polygonal figures. He mix abstract with figurative so in a sort of way he create phantasy ambients.

Image of reference: "Where were you?"

For doing the portrait inspired by this artwork I principally focused in the composition of the the illustration and the colours that we can see in it. So the colors opted in this case is mostly focused in a spectrum of blue tones mixed with some green undertones. There are also some uses of the red and black color is used to accentuate those areas of the portrait. The portrait itself is in focused in the abstract way of my mind when I have to start artistic works in which case my mind starts to fill up with so many ideas that sometimes is difficult to choose something.

Titol: "The mind is working"

The code is:

size(500, 600);//size of the portrait


background(222,241,247);/* Principal big blue background */

fill(0, 0, 0);


stroke(47, 104, 173);

line(316, 545, 100, -10);

line(297, 545, -250, -50);

line(196, 545, 598, 150);

line(190, 645, 598, -260);

stroke(47, 104, 173);


quad(545, -545, 545, -345, 316, 460, 195, 460);

fill (239, 109, 143);


ellipse(305, 300, -43, -43); //Ellipse in the black background



stroke(47, 104, 173);

curve(235, 0, 335, 345, 365, 315, 335, -345);


fill (100, 203, 210); // green colour of the floor


stroke(15, 16, 21);

quad(319, 445, 200, 445, -280, 660, 750, 660);

stroke(15, 16, 21);


line(163, 461, 350, 461);

line(96, 492, 412, 492);

line(25, 523, 476, 523);

line(-2, 554, 500, 554);

line(310, 445, 495, 600);

line(278, 445, 385, 600);

line(248, 445, 275, 600);

line(221, 445, 165, 600);

line(208, 445, 25, 600);


fill(13, 48, 88);

stroke(161, 220, 250);


quad(100, 200, 199, 200, 209, 386, 100, 376);

stroke(47, 104, 173);


fill(249, 233, 218);

ellipse(155, 245, 123, 123);


fill(249, 248, 246);

ellipse(135, 231, 27, 22);

ellipse(185, 231, 27, 22);

fill (255, 238, 157);//yellow

ellipse(185, 231, 14, 14); //pupil of the eyes

ellipse(135, 231, 14, 14);

fill(13, 48, 88);


stroke(255, 238, 157);


quad(70, 180, 199, 103, 209, 126, 70, 186);

stroke(161, 220, 250);


quad(70, 188, 100, 178, 125, 408, 88, 368);

quad(199, 178, 217, 189, 217, 368, 206, 408);

quad(100, 178, 199, 178, 209, 218, 100, 218);


fill (239, 109, 143);

ellipse(135, 139, 14, 14);

stroke(255, 238, 157);


fill (88, 194, 146);

ellipse(175, 165, 27, 27);

fill (88, 194, 146);

ellipse(530, 345, 123, 123);

fill (147, 172, 194);

stroke(239, 109, 143);


ellipse(165, 605, 103, 103);

stroke(161, 220, 250);


fill (255, 238, 157);

triangle(45, 75, 58, 20, 86, 75);

stroke(161, 220, 250);


fill (47, 104, 173);

triangle(239, 519, 486, 64, 450, 119);

fill (13, 48, 88);

stroke(147, 172, 194);

point(405, 350);

stroke(161, 220, 250);

point(405, 120);

stroke(239, 109, 143);

point(355, 160);

point(450, 190);

stroke(249, 248, 246);

point(355, 120);

point(450, 400);


curve(100, 550, 225, 590, 565, 315, 555, 600);

stroke(88, 194, 146);


fill (239, 109, 143); //pink reddish colour

curve(10, 450, 225, 590, 235, 315, 0, 600);

stroke(239, 109, 143);


fill (161, 220, 250);


vertex(150, 480);

vertex(250, 400);

vertex(390, 460);

vertex(400, 500);

vertex(470, 560);

vertex(450, 560);


point(100, 540);



stroke(255, 238, 157);

curve(100, 0, 225, 255, 365, 315, 455, -345);

curve(100, 234, 225, 255, 365, 315, 455, 345);

point(125, 480);

ellipse(105, 540, 45, 55);

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